Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Disney Service Basics Part 1

Joanna, you asked what makes the magic for adults.  Well, I don't know the full answer to that (hence the research...) but I do know something that helps a lot.

It's called the Disney Service Basics, or just "the basics" and I will probably be writing a number of posts about it.  The basics were created in response to guest surveys and focus groups, about how they want cast members to act.

The Disney Service Basics are:
1. I project a positive image and energy
2. I am courteous and respectful to all guests, including children
3. I stay in character and play the part
4. I go above and beyond

Sadly, today as my friends and I visited the Magic Kingdom, we did not see the basics in use.  Almost all of the cast members we encountered looked bored or unhappy.  None of them talked to us, they just waived us through, pointing us in the direction that we needed to go.  In some instances they gave us confusing directions and seemed annoyed when we asked again.  In other instances they did not go out of their way to help people who needed it.  In other places, this would have been ok.  Just doing the tasks that were assigned to you and watching the clock all day may fly at other places, but great service is what separates Disney from everywhere else.  It is in the job description to go above and beyond.  And we did not see that in action today.

My friend decided to go to guest relations to complain, and the hostess there genuinely listened, and agreed with his comments and we hope she took note of them.  However, I think it is important to recognize people who go above and beyond every day.  Positive reenforcement is much better than negative.  So, from now on, I am not going to go to the parks without a few great service fanatic cards in my pocket.  This way, if I see a cast member going above and beyond, I can do my part to make sure they are recognized.  You can do this too (and it doesn't have to be at Disney), if you ever are somewhere and receive great service, take the 10 minutes that it takes to write a letter to the manager of wherever you are.  It really goes a long way and means a lot to the people who receive them.

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